They’re here, they’re here! The brand-new mics are here!!!
In this episode, we unbox the new in-ear binaural mics and take them for a test run to Starbucks. Fun times to be had! I’m very interested to know if you, the listener, notice any difference in the spaciality and/or quality of these new microphones. I know how they sound to me; I’m just curious to see how they sound to you.
One caviat: I talk in the podcast about how I’ve turned the limiter of the recorder off and am hoping the traffic doesn’t cause clipping or distortion. Well, as it turns out, the Olympus LS-14 has a recording mode called Quick Mode which automatically adjusts the recording levels to compensate. So as I understand it, regardless of what I have the limiter set to, Quick Mode is kind of doing its own thing. Which means we get that “limiter effect,” which seems more noticeable to me with the increased output of these microphones. So next outing, I’m putting the recorder in Manual Mode and will try recording with the limiter really off this time.
Or perhaps I should just leave well enough alone…?
Anyway, here’s our test run. Leave feedback at, or follow me on Twitter (@blindgeek) and leave feedback there.
And now, fellow Adventurers…
…don your headphones…
…And enjoy!